Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
Stable &

lovable leisure horse

36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany
remove_red_eye 0635
people 12
5.000,00 €
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Gender Gelding


Show 51 ads from $4,356.75
Age (years) 14
Height (hh) 16.8
Type Warmblood
Color Bay
Other charactics
  • All Rounder
  • Companion
  • Home more important than price
lovable leisure horse - It is with a heavy heart that I have to part with my 13-year-old Hanoverian gelding Leander.
Leander is a pure leisure horse and is always up for fun. Whether in the field, on the arena, in the hall, with traffic, tractors, children, dogs or similar, he is reliable. He enjoys his work and shows his commitment above all on the lunge line during pole work or free jumping. Ground work and longer walks are also part of our work. Leander is very people-oriented and open to new people. He loves to be cuddled, cuddled or groomed and just wants to do "Welness". He is only ridden by me 1-2 times a week, whereby we also provide variety - be it dressage, pole work, small jumps or cross-country.
He definitely needs a fixed caregiver who radiates calm, consistency, security and trust and who can lead, guide and calm him in both calm and exciting moments.

Leander has been with me for 10 years and will only be given to the best of hands. I would like him to have a permanent caregiver who will look after him, take time for him and radiate calm and who can offer him a nice place in an open stable.

Please send me a message if you are interested. More videos and pictures on request.


WiebkeFlag DE

36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany

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checklist_rtlBillyRiderAD-ID: 221807
Published: 22/05/2024
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