Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
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Horse behavior, horse language, communication in handling - mobile training and online lessons

85406 Palzing, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0167
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Horse behavior, horse language, communication in handling - mobile training and online lessons - Would you like to understand your horse better so that you can deal with him on an equal footing?
Does everyday life present challenges where you don't understand your horse or your horse simply doesn't understand you?

Is your training stagnating because you simply can't cope with some situations and your trainer's ideas haven't helped?

Are there always misunderstandings between you and your horse or perhaps with the horses in his herd? Is your horse exhibiting behavior that you can't explain?

Is your horse crying out for help by being aggressive, biting, kicking or being very withdrawn?

Are you tired of hearing phrases like "You need to assert yourself!", "You need to show him who's boss" or "He just doesn't want to and is taking the piss" and much of what you see and hear - perhaps even in your stable - feels totally wrong to you?
There is another way!

Ever since I came across HORSESPEAK after Sharon Wilsie in 2021, I've been blown away. It puts into a "system" what I feel in my heart and what I have always been looking for. Since then, I have been learning every spare minute and am in preparation for the official trainer training. To the seller's offerlaunch
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ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

Zaubermomente Maria KollmannsbergerFlag DE

85406 Palzing, Germany directions

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