Quarter Horse mare 11 years - ...looking for a new 5star home for Honey with a heavy heart. She is a very great mare and a very fine horse to ride. Unfortunately we can't find a home together which makes me sad. We have tried a lot. She knows the farrier, vet, driving the trailer and loves varied work. We have also been on regular horse vacations in recent years. She has also been on the mountain trail and really enjoys the various obstacles, all of which she masters without fear. She also likes long rides. We regularly go off-road on our own.
This is not a distress sale. I would like someone who gives very fine aids. Therefore she is not a horse for beginners and needs someone who can give her security. Zippos Honey B ( out of Zippo Pine Sugar) Born 06.05.2013 Height approx. 1,54cm Physique is nice and compact Equipment like western saddle etc. is all included