light carriage with good suspension (Shetty/Welsh A) - Sell a light carriage with good suspension (Shetty/Welsh A) incl. fork (single carriage) and sprung free carrying tree (double carriage)
The carriage was technically overhauled two years ago and then unfortunately not driven due to lack of time and horse/horse change. Location coach house (dry)
Tire size 26 inches.
Dimensions approx: Seat height 94 cm Seat width 130 cm Length without drawbar and without tree 186 cm Highest point 133 cm Tree length 152 cm Total fork length 140 cm Narrowest point of the fork 50 cm
Last stood original Shetlander single-horse and two-horse.
(The baskets do not belong to the offer. They can be taken over against additional price with interest. Individual sale only after sale of the carriage)
We sell other carriages, because the space is otherwise planned.
Sale of used goods from private - goods described as well as possible -.
Sale as seen - no warranty, no conversion, no exchange, no price reduction and no redemption