LEXA Amino Muscle Building 1,2kg RRP25,30€ - Ideal amino acid complex for the muscles!
Protein plays a major role in muscle building in horses. Protein is one of the most important building blocks in the horse's organism. Each animal species has its own animal-specific protein, which is made up of amino acids. If just one essential amino acid is missing, the entire build-up of protein can be impaired and therefore also the build-up of muscle.
Essential means that the animal cannot produce or build up this amino acid itself, but must ingest it with its food. Nowadays there is often talk of a surplus of protein in horse feed, but in practice the opposite is often the case, especially with sport horses or in winter feeding, where there is usually an undersupply of high-quality protein or essential amino acids. This can have a negative effect on performance, muscle formation and all processes in the body. That is why Amino Muscle Building provides a special complex of essential and high-quality amino acids to ensure the best possible supply for the muscles and the entire organism.
In combination with micronutrients and lecithin, Amino-Muscle Builder provides nutritional support for the horse's muscles.
Special properties of Amino Muscle Building:
ideal amino acid complex to support the muscles
Amino Muscle Building is ideally suited - for sport and performance horses for the targeted use of essential amino acids - for young horses - for old horses - during the training break or injury-related breaks - for breeding horses
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